Séminaire Philosophie & Biologie à Bordeaux : Denis Walsh, Michel Morange, Andre Ariew

6 juin, 10-12h: Denis Walsh (University of Toronto)

Rencontre avec l’auteur à propos de son livre : Organisms, Agency, and Evolution (2016)
Book chapters: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fdv2h84dzgytdnx/AAB-pNlpALeTX9XYtL3zW271a?dl=0

Bibliothèque du service de Rhumatologie, 12e étage du Tripode, groupe hospitalier Pellegrin.


Mardi 7 juin, 12h30-13h30: Michel Morange (Centre Cavaillès, ENS Paris & UPMC): http://www.ihpst.cnrs.fr/membres/membres-associes/morange-michel

What does a ‘global history’ of biology bring to us?

(L’exposé sera en anglais, la discussion pourra se faire en anglais ou en français)

Résumé :
To write a global history of life sciences from Antiquity to extant research, from molecular biology to ecology and ethology is an impossible task, the promise to be inaccurate and wrong in many issues.
Nevertheless, the result is not without interest. It casts a new light on continuities and discontinuities in biological thought, and on the relations between biology and other scientific disciplines. It reveals the circulation of concepts and methods between biological subdisciplines, and between Society and biology. It shows the complex dynamics of biological transformations that gives biology its specific nature.

Salle : salle TP – Visio 2. Plan d’accès à cette salle : https://philosophiebiologie.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/plan-acces-visio-carreire.pdf


20 juin, 10h-12h : André Ariew (Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri, USA)

Sir Francis Galton, Reversion, and the Quincunx: The Rise of Statistical Explanations

Philosophical lessons learned from Galton’s statistical innovations about the nature of scientific explanation.

Salle de conférences de l’lBGC, site de Carreire zone sud, Université de Bordeaux.